About PEP Design

Stepping out to take a risk

A bold entrepreneurial adventure began in 2005 when Troy Pongratz decided to strike out on his own and start offering product design consulting services. He wanted to create a business where more time is spent on product design. Since then, PEP Design has helped numerous small and large companies bring products to fruition.

Figuring out what works

Troy creates, designs, builds, and solves problems. Hobbies and activities such as model airplane building and fixing cars, combined with an obsession for things that go, have provided an understanding of what works and what doesn’t. This foundation has been built upon and augmented by the talents of the PEP Design team, creating a culture that values curiosity, exploration, and problem solving.

Providing inspiration and insight

Every design project has as least one moment, a cross roads, when a flash of insight occurs and the right choice needs to be made. How is the right decision made? Experience, talent, research, passion, integrity, and a drive to see it work as intended and solve the problem.

At PEP Design, product design is our reason for being.